St Killian’s College GCSE top achievers
St Killian’s College pupils have once again been celebrating examination success at GCSE level.
As with the excellent A Level results last week, the students’ GCSE outcomes highlight the fact that non-selective education continues to deliver high level results for all the pupils in our community.
The pupils who sat their exams in 2024 deserve special praise for their resilience and success as examination boards returned to pre pandemic levels.
Alongside last week’s A Level pupils, all of the GCSE pupils deserve to be given great praise and acknowledgement for having been able to come through the unprecedented challenges they have faced.
Top achiever Charlotte Galway with 7 A Stars and 3 A grades
85% of students achieved 5 A*-C, with 45% of the total grades awarded were A*/B grades.
Furthermore, St Killian’s are proud that a significant number of students attained 7+ A* - B grades including English and Maths.
St Killian’s top achievers include; Charlotte Galway 7A* 3A, Niamh Reynolds 6A* 4A, Maeve McAlister 4A* 6A, Charles O’Neill 4A* 5A, Sean Looney 3A* 6A, Alexander McAlister 1A* 8A, Amy McAlister 2A* 7A, Amy Bruxelles 2A* 6A, Shea Bartram 1A* 6A, Ciara Marshall 7 A, Ashton Heggarty 2A* and 5 A, Conor McCann 2 A* 5 A, Orlaith Pettigrew 1A* and 5A and JJ Semple 6 A.
St Killian’s College overall top achiever Canice McIntosh with 10 straight A Stars
However, pride of place goes to St Killian’s top achiever Canice McIntosh who achieved 10 straight A*s. Canice hit these heady heights across a range of STEM and Humanities subjects and he intends to study A Levels in Mathematics, Chemistry and PE.
Principal Mr Jonny Brady expressed his delight with another excellent set of results at St Killian’s. He said:
“The results have, once again, been outstanding. Of the 139 students who sat their GCSEs 85% achieved 5 A*-C grades. However, for me the most significant statistic is that 74% of our students attained these grades including English and Maths A*-C.
“These results are a credit to their parents and the staff in school. However, most of all, they are credit to our students and they should be rightly proud as we are. The commitment and hard work of our students and the dedication of our staff, as well as the support that we enjoy with our parents will augur well for the future of all of our students wherever they find themselves in the future.”
Top achiever Niamh Holmes from St Colmcille’s Primary School in Ballymena
Top achievers from Corrin Primary School, Larne
Top achievers from Glenaan Primary School, Cushendall
Top achievers from Glenravel Primary School, Ballymena