The Assembly Committee for Education has today launched an inquiry into the teaching and implementation of Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) and is calling on parents and teachers to respond to a short survey in a bid to ascertain the effectiveness, inclusivity and alignment of current RSE teaching in schools here.
Speaking after today’s inquiry launch, the Committee Chairperson Nick Mathison MLA said:
“One of the Committee’s key objectives is to evaluate how the provision of RSE is working in schools here and to measure if current provision and teaching methods meet the diverse needs of all of our children and young people at each stage of their education journey.
“We are also keen to discover how effective the content of RSE is and whether or not it aligns with our legislative framework, including recent changes in law.”
The Chairperson continued:
“Our inquiry also aims to assess RSE policies in schools and on how schools update and implement their policies, especially in light of recent subordinate legislation concerning topics such as early pregnancy prevention and access to abortion. It is also essential that through this inquiry, we further develop our understanding into the extent of parental and pupil consultation in developing RSE policies.
“A key element of our inquiry will be to explore the recommendations for the school system of the Gillen Review of Serious Sexual Offences, and consider the role that RSE might play in developing consent education to reduce sexual violence, particularly against women and girls.”
The Chairperson concluded:
“As a Committee, we are aware that the provision and delivery of RSE can be an emotive topic and we are cognisant that our approach in undertaking this inquiry must factor in the opinions and specific needs of everyone. RSE must be inclusive and respect the rights and beliefs of all students, while at the same time providing them with essential health education.”
Throughout the inquiry, the Committee will also be taking evidence from key equality, rights, community and education focused groups and organisations and are also in the process of co-designing a further survey with the Northern Ireland Youth Assembly which will aim to capture the views of young people aged 11-18 years old on the current provision of RSE.
Tap here for further information on the Inquiry into Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) in Schools.
The survey for parents and teachers can be accessed by tapping here and will be open until Tuesday 29 October 2024.