With the recent weather conditions, NI Water would like to remind older people and people with a medical condition or disability about a range of additional free services its Customer Care Register offers that will help and support customers if there is an interruption to the water supply.
Some of the benefits of joining NI Water’s Customer Care include:
Doorstep Service
If you have a hearing difficulty we will knock the door louder and speak clearly when we call with you. If you have a mobility problem we will allow more time for you to answer the door.
Password scheme
You can ask for a password to help you identify our staff.
Loss of Water Supply
If you are on our register and you don’t have water, we will prioritise you to receive bottled water if needed.
Carers Contact Service
You can name a carer or relative who:
can contact us on your behalf
we can contact if we need to reach you at anytime
we can post information directly to
If you are on our register and flooding occurs, we will prioritise our response to ensure that we are with you as quickly as possible.
Orla McGivern, NI Water’s Customer Experience Senior Manager, said:
“If you are worried about the cold weather and feel you or someone you know might need some extra help, our Customer Care Register team can offer support if there is an interruption to your water supply.
“We also have a free text alert service you can sign up to for alerts about unplanned interruptions. The message will include the estimated time of restoration as well as a link to NI Water’s website where customers can find further details.
“Customers can register for either service online via www.niwater.com/customer-care-register/ or through our live webchat at www.niwater.com. Alternatively, contact Waterline on telephone 03457 440088. Customers with hearing difficulties can also use Typetalk through Waterline.”
Northern Ireland Electricity (NIE) Networks
Northern Ireland Electricity (NIE) Networks also offer a similar facility.
If you, or someone you know, relies on electricity for healthcare needs, you can join our Medical Customer Care Register to get extra support during a power cut.
Customers who have medical equipment in their homes, such as specialised mattresses, feeding systems or lifting equipment, can register to receive up to date information by phone during a power cut or a planned interruption to your supply.
As part of your registration you can provide NIE with details of a relative, neighbour or friend as an alternative contact, if they are unable to speak with you.
Find out more about these service by tapping here.