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NI Water welcomes visitors to Killylane and Dorisland Water Treatment Works

Pictured at Killylane Water Treatment Works is Jane Dunlop, Mark Dallas, Samuel Dunlop, Ezra Underwood, Seth McClenahan.   

Pictured at Killylane Water Treatment Works is Jane Dunlop, Mark Dallas, Samuel Dunlop, Ezra Underwood, Seth McClenahan.


NI Water’s Killylane and Dorisland Water Treatment Works recently opened their doors to local schools, groups, organisations and stakeholders to learn more about the journey water takes from source to tap.


Staff from all areas of NI Water’s business - scientists, environmentalists, and water process supply technicians - were on hand to showcase the behind-the-scenes workings and processes that go into cleaning water and keeping it safe in an ever changing environment.


The events were part of NI Water’s new Quality Water campaign that highlights the significant, often unseen role our scientists and water quality experts play in ensuring the water NI Water provides meets strict quality standards all year round.

Pictured at Killylane Water Treatment Works is Roger McBurney, Timothy McClenahan and Elijah Underwood.

Pictured at Killylane Water Treatment Works is Roger McBurney, Timothy McClenahan and Elijah Underwood.

Gary Presho, Water Supply Area Manager East with NI Water, said:

“We were delighted to be able to facilitate live demonstrations and tours hosted by our expert scientists, who test and check our water on a daily basis. The hands-on event was also an opportunity for the public to understand how their water is treated and safely tested before it is supplied to their taps at home, while getting involved in some key experiments with our scientific team.”


Jane Dunlop who visited NI Water’s Killylane Water Treatment Works open day event said:

“Being part of the tour helped the children learn about applying various subjects that they are studying at home such as chemistry and they could see the importance of how various things in chemistry react and apply those subjects in real life. It was very informal just to see how the water comes in initially from the reservoir and all the various stages.”

Pictured at Killylane Water Treatment Works is Noah Rigg, Johnathon Rigg, Samuel Dunlop, Mark Dallas.

Pictured at Killylane Water Treatment Works is Noah Rigg, Johnathon Rigg, Samuel Dunlop, Mark Dallas.

Councillor Roy Beggs and Dr Steve Aiken MLA also attended the NI Water Killylane Water Treatment Works open day event.


Cllr Roy Beggs said:

“I was at Killylane Water Treatment Works to get updated on the effort that goes into to supply both myself and the people of Larne with a quality water supply and ensure that there is resilience in that supply.” 

Pictured at Killylane Water Treatment Works is Judith, Susannah and Stephen McClenahan.

Pictured at Killylane Water Treatment Works is Judith, Susannah and Stephen McClenahan.

Dr Steve Aiken MLA said:

“I really enjoyed seeing what goes on inside Killylane Water Treatment Works. As somebody who lives fairly close to here, it was good to see all the activity that goes on and particularly important making sure that everybody in Northern Ireland has got clean water.

“I understand what goes into the process of treating drinking water but it was really good to see all the work that is going on here.”


Councillor Andrew Wilson and Councillor Pete Johnston visited NI Water’s Dorisland Water Treatment Works open day event.

NI Water Dorisland WTW Open Day

NI Water Dorisland WTW Open Day

Cllr Andrew Wilson said:

“It was great to actually get inside and have a look around and to see what the actual treatment process and ultimately how that accumulates for clear drinking water for the local area.”


Cllr Pete Johnston said:

“Fresh drinking water is probably one of those things that we all take for granted. I found today really useful, seeing the full process of how it comes from its raw form in the lakes that we have here and all the processes and treatments until it gets to our tap.”


NI Water is grateful to McAdam Design for sponsoring a bus for some schools to attend the recent Water Treatment Works open day events.


A full video overview of the NI Water Killylane Water Treatment Works open day including vox pops with local schools and stakeholders is available to view below:

A full video overview of the NI Water Dorisland Water Treatment Works open day including vox pops with local schools and stakeholders is available to view below:

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