The Robinson Hospital in Ballymoney is to benefit from a £2.1m investment to improve and enhance its existing facilities.
The refurbishment project has been made possible thanks to a charitable donation from the Robinson Trust.
The project will include a new build extension to the existing hospital, with a multi-disciplinary room, staff base and a new plant room. The scheme will increase the number of ensuite bedrooms within the 21-bedded hospital from two to seven, providing an enhanced level of privacy and dignity for service users.
The extension will also follow dementia-friendly design principles in order to improve outcomes and experiences for patients, with input from service users and their families.
Diane Spence, Director of Community Care with the Northern Trust, said:
“The Robinson Hospital has been part of the local community for almost 91 years and while the building itself is still in very good condition, some of the facilities within are outdated and not in keeping with modern-day improvements in delivery of care.
“We are delighted to receive this very generous donation to be able to undertake this extension project which will undoubtedly improve patient experience.
“This investment will also secure the future of the hospital and signals our long-term commitment to our staff. It will ensure that the Robinson Hospital continues to play a vital role in our wider Trust network and community care model.”
Diane added:
“Patients will also benefit from the creation of a dedicated rehabilitation space. This space will provide the multi-disciplinary team and the patient with a valuable resource for therapeutic interventions which will support recovery and help maximise independence. This resource will enhance the patient and staff experience.
“This is a really good news story for our community and we are looking forward to seeing the project progress.”
David Robinson, chairperson of the Robinson Memorial Hospital Trust, which manages the endowment left by Samuel Robinson, founder of the Robinson Hospital, said:
“The Trustees were delighted that the income from the endowment was being used to fund this truly excellent project, which will greatly benefit the community.”
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council’s Planning Committee granted planning permission for the project in September 2024.