Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council is brewing up a magical Halloween celebration for all the family.
This year, the freaky-festivities will cobweb across Antrim, Crumlin, Ballyclare and Randalstown, with the most ghoulish gatherings happening at ‘Screams and Tricks at V36,’ Newtownabbey and the ‘Halloween Hootenanny’ at The Junction Retail and Leisure Park, Antrim.
Whether you want a trick or a treat, we have it all across the Borough; Indulge yourself in autumnal themed markets, with plenty of creepy crafts, frightful face painting, two and four-legged friends and more slimy activities to name a few. Get in the monster-mash-mood with live music across all markets!

The biggest event will be ‘Spooked Out’ at V36 on Saturday 28 October from 6pm to 8pm with a not-to-be-missed firework extravaganza at 8pm.
Get your best costume ready because the Mayor will be there to judge the fancy dress competition!
Tickets are free with a £1.25 booking charge which will benefit the Mayor’s charities and be purchased on our website.
There will be two pumpkin patches across the Borough, get the pick of the patch at The Junction Retail and Leisure Park from Thursday 26 to Tuesday 31 October, and find pumpkins of all shapes and sizes at Threemilewater Park on Saturday 28 October.
Broomsticks at the ready, booking is required!

The most eerie events will take place in Newtownabbey with ‘Screams and Tricks at V36’ from Friday 27 to Tuesday 31 October, featuring creepy carnival rides, atmospheric amusements and the ‘Spooked Out’ spectacular on Saturday 28 October, featuring a firework frenzy at 8pm, not to be missed!
On the other side of the Borough you will find equally entertaining events, ‘Halloween at The Junction’ in Antrim with a frightful fun-fair from Thursday 26 October to Sunday 5 November and the ‘Halloween Hootenanny’ on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 October, a country and western themed bash with something for every witch and wizard, including live music from tribute acts like Dolly Parton, Garth Brooks and Neil Diamond and also the Tyler Michael Duo.
There will be plenty of food and craft fair and tonnes more Halloween-y activities to get you in the ‘spirit.’

Mayor of Antrim and Newtownabbey, Councillor Mark Cooper commented:
"Halloween is always a fantastic time of year for our community to get together and have a wicked time and this year is sure to meet expectations with plenty of spooktacular events happening across the borough this half-term for all the family."
There will be a range of inclusive initiatives and activities across the frightful festivities, such as Sensory Kids at V36 and The Junction Retail and Leisure Park. A sign language interpreter will be present at ‘Spooked Out’ and there will be AccessoLoos across all events.
For more information please contact our Accessibility and Inclusion Officer ellen.boyd@antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk
Costumes at the ready!
For a full programme and to book tickets, please visit www.antrimandnewtownabbey.gov.uk/halloween
For even more fun this Halloween, sports camps will be running at the Antrim Forum and the Valley Leisure centre, further information can be found at antrimandnewtowabbey.gov.uk/activities