TinyLife, the only charity in NI dedicated to reducing illness, disability and death in premature babies and providing support to their families, has received a £1,500 grant from Tesco for their Breast Pump Loan Service.
The funds provided by the Stronger Starts scheme will contribute towards the costs of breast pump kits and accessories, including a canvas bag, nipple shields in different sizes to allow for more comfort, suction tubes, bottles to store the milk and a padlet with information about perinatal health, attachment, and the benefits of breast milk.
“The electric double pumps are hospital-grade and allow mums to express their own milk and feed their babies, which is crucial for growth and development, and helps them bond with their little ones during periods where they may otherwise feel detached,” explained Emma O’Neill, TinyLife Head of Operations.
Described by mums as a lifeline, the service is available for babies born at less than 37 weeks or babies born full-term but who have spent time in the Neo-Natal Unit (NNU) or Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU). The loan period of a TinyLife breast pump is normally eight weeks and there is a small donation for this service.
The pumps can be delivered to the family’s home, but normally are available when the baby is discharged from one of the seven neo-natal units across NI: Altnagelvin Area Hospital, South West Acute Hospital, Craigavon Area Hospital, Daisy Hill Hospital, Antrim Area Hospital and the Ulster Hospital and Royal Maternity Hospital.
“Thanks to the generous support from Tesco’s Stronger Starts, TinyLife has been able to provide essential breast pump kits, bottles, and breast pump bags to parents in need. This invaluable assistance has made a significant difference, enabling parents to nourish their babies effectively and with ease, thereby enhancing the well-being of both mothers and their premature infants,” Emma added.
The Stronger Starts scheme, in partnership with the Groundwork charity, aims to support many Northern Ireland community projects and good causes in the coming years, with thousands of pounds to give away.
Claire De Silva, Head of Community at Tesco, said:
“We’re delighted that we can help charities like Tiny Life. Stronger Starts invites our customers to use their blue tokens to vote for local schemes they feel will benefit children and young people, and it’s so good to see the impact that the funding makes.”
NI shoppers can support their local groups and charities by dropping the Tesco blue token they receive at checkout into the relevant voting box as they leave the store.
To make a donation to Tiny Life, please scan the QR code below. And, for further information on how to make a difference at Tesco stores across NI, please go to https://tescostrongerstarts.org.uk