With the festive season upon us, the Police Service of Northern Ireland is warning drivers that just one drink could kill and ruin lives.
Chief Superintendent Sam Donaldson, Operational Support Department, warned drivers there is absolutely no excuse for driving with drink or drugs. He said:
“Drink or drug driving is one of the ‘Fatal Five’, which are the main reasons people are dying on our roads.
“Just one drink can impair decision making. Just one drink can cause a collision. Just one drink can kill.
“During last year’s campaign we carried out over 9,000 roadside breath tests and arrested over 300 people for drink/drug driving related offences.
“Over the coming weeks targeted operations will run day and night across the country, and we will coordinate road safety operations in border counties with colleagues from An Garda Síochána Traffic Corp.
“If convicted you will face the prospect of starting the New Year with a court appearance and losing your driving license. This can have a huge impact on your life and that of your family."
Chief Superintendent Sam Donaldson, Operational Support Department pictured with Lynda Hurley, Head of Road Safety Promotion at the Department of Infrastructure
Lynda Hurley, Head of Road Safety Promotion at the Department of Infrastructure said:
“As always, our message to drivers is, that there is no safe level of alcohol if you intend getting behind the wheel to drive. If you are heading out to enjoy the festivities and intend drinking alcohol, leave the car at home and make alternative travel arrangements.
“Drinking before driving is a choice, that choice could have devastating consequences for your family or someone else’s family, it’s not worth the risk.
“Never ever drink and drive as every drink of alcohol increases your risk of crashing.”
Chief Superintendent Donaldson added:
“In addition, every driver or motorcyclist stopped by police for any moving traffic offence can expect to be breathalysed. Anyone involved in a collision or who we suspect may have consumed alcohol or taken drugs will also be tested.
“People need to make good choices, you may see taxis and public transport, we see everyone getting home safe; you may see a designated driver – we see one less death on the road.”
For more information go to https://www.psni.police.uk/fatal-five