Chief Nursing Officer, Professor Maria McIlgorm
The nursing and midwifery workforce is playing a pivotal role in helping to shape the transformation of health and social care, the Chief Nursing Officer has said.
Professor Maria McIlgorm made the comments at her recent inaugural professorial lecture at Queen’s University, Belfast.
At the event, attended by healthcare staff and educators, Professor McIlgorm outlined some of Northern Ireland’s key health and social care challenges and noted the important contribution of nurses and midwives in influencing change.
Northern Ireland’s 29,000 nurses and midwives have the ability and expertise to help set the direction to meet current and future healthcare demands, Professor McIlgorm added.
“I am pleased to say that we have seen a sustained growth [in the nursing and midwifery workforce] over the past few years,” Professor McIlgorm said.
“It is vital that we continue to grow and retain our valuable workforce. As nurses and midwives, we play a pivotal role in setting the direction and being part of the change we and our people want to see.
“Our expertise in both clinical care and patient advocacy puts us in a key position to influence change.”
The Chief Nursing Officer also used her professorial lecture to outline her leadership journey and highlight her five-year vision, which she unveiled in 2023.
It identifies four key priorities: Workforce and Workload planning; Pre & Post Registration Education & Training; further development of career pathways beyond clinical pathways, and the development of a Quality Assurance Framework for Nursing & Midwifery.
Professor McIlgorm said:
“Our vision is to build strong foundations that will maximise the potential of the nursing and midwifery workforce in a safe, inclusive and healthful culture, whilst recognising the value of equality and diversity.
“And as health and social care leaders, we play a crucial role in advocating for the necessary policy, resources, training and infrastructure that enables transformation and ensures nurses and midwives have what they need to succeed.”
Ms McIlgorm was appointed Honorary Professor of Practice in the School of Nursing and Midwifery in October 2023.
Professor Kenda Crozier, Head of School of Nursing and Midwifery at Queen’s University Belfast, said:
“I am delighted that Maria McIlgorm will be contributing to the school of Nursing and Midwifery in her Honorary Professor Role. Her expertise in workforce planning and development will benefit our students.”