A business case for a £1.4m mental health facility in Carrickfergus was approved by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust board at a meeting in Antrim Hospital on Thursday.
Dr Petra Corr, divisional director of mental health, learning disability and community well-being, outlined a proposal for a new modular building at Carrickfergus Health Centre, Taylor’s Avenue.
Dr Corr indicated that, currently, the Carrickfergus mental health team is split between two bases, one at Carrickfergus Health Centre and another in Newtownabbey.
Dr Corr said that she is seeking a “fit-for-purpose” facility as the team does not have a base in the Carrick area. She went on to say that the development would enable 100 per cent first appointments face to face in the area.
“This will make a very significant improvement for service users in the Carrick area and for staff teams”, she added.
The business case also “highlights the need for investment for the provision of sustainable accommodation for the community mental health team to improve the quality of care and experience for service users and to ensure that staff are able to provide assessment and treatment in an environment that supports an optimum model of care”.
In June, Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council’s Planning Committee granted planning permission for the new £143m Birch Hill Centre for Mental Health in Antrim.
The new facility, proposed by the Northern Health and Social Care Trust, for a site at Bush Road, south of Antrim Hospital, is scheduled for completion in late 2028.
The new development will “centralise the Northern Trust’s in-patient mental health services in modern, purpose-built accommodation, replacing the current provision at Holywell Hospital and the Ross Thomson Unit at Causeway Hospital”, the Trust says.
The proposed 134-bed facility will comprise of wards, staff and visitor facilities, management and operational spaces, health and well-being facilities, external landscaping and gardens, car parking and servicing facilities.