Do you have a question you would like to ask your local Elected Members or an idea to help improve your area?
If so, Mid and East Antrim Borough Council wants to hear from you.
Put your questions to Council
It’s really important that Mid and East Antrim residents’ voices are heard and that citizens play their part in shaping local democracy.
We are inviting members of the public who live, work or study in the Borough to put their questions directly to Elected Members and officers at Mid and East Antrim Borough Council.
We believe it is vital that you – our citizens – feel properly engaged with Council, and we want your input, views and feedback as we work to deliver the very best public services throughout the community, including waste collections, recycling, leisure services, business support, parks, funding, economic development, health and wellbeing, and much more.
As the transformation of Mid and East Antrim Borough Council continues, we are committed to championing openness and transparency, and the introduction of public questions at meetings of the Full Council is another demonstration of that commitment.
How to get involved
To submit a question to Council, just complete the short form by clicking or pressing HERE.
Council asks that all questions are kept to a maximum of 100 words.
When a question is successfully submitted, you will receive a confirmation email that Council has received your query.
All queries must be received by noon on the fifth working day prior to the meeting of Full Council. This means that for a Council meeting on a Monday, for example, the question must be submitted by noon on the previous Monday.
If the meeting clashes with a Bank Holiday, please allow for five working days.
e.g. The next Full Council meeting is scheduled for Wednesday 3 April 2024. Questions must be submitted by 12noon on Monday 25 March 2024 (as the Council offices will be closed on April 1 and 2 for Easter).
Just one question is permitted per individual/organisation prior to each meeting.
What happens after I submit a question?
If your question is valid and meets the agreed protocols (as set out below) it will be a placed for reading at the Council meeting.
You are very welcome to attend the Council meeting to listen to the answer.
Those submitting questions are entitled to ask the question.
No supplementary follow-up questions will be taken at the meeting. This is due to time constraints and to ensure as many questions as possible are asked and answered.
Responses to questions will be provided orally at the Council meeting and submitted questions and answers will also be published on Council’s website, where they will remain for 12 months.
If there is not enough time to read a question in the meeting, a written response will be issued.
*Please be aware the names of those submitting questions will be read at the meeting and appear in Council minutes, which are publicly available.
A maximum of 15 minutes will be allocated for public questions and answers at each meeting of Full Council.
Read more on Council's Protocol for Public Questions page.
You may also wish to read Council's Privacy Notice.