Northern Health and Social Care Trust has announced updated visiting arrangements for its healthcare settings including Antrim Area and Causeway hospitals, effective from today (Thursday 5 May).
• Acute and Community Hospitals
One of two nominated people can visit every day where this can be accommodated within COVID-19 secure environments.
Prior arrangement with the ward nurse in charge is necessary. Where the person visiting requires assistance, they should inform the ward at the time of booking and discuss with the nurse in charge.
• Mental Health and Learning Disability
Two nominated visitors from the same household can be accommodated to visit every other day or more where deemed necessary to support the mental health and wellbeing of the patient.
Prior arrangement with the ward staff is essential.
• Maternity Services
A chosen birth partner will be facilitated to accompany the person for induction of labour, duration of labour and birth and for up to three hours after the birth.
Unfortunately, the Induction of Labour Bay does not support 2m social distancing when fully occupied, however, individual circumstances and the number of women within the bay will be considered at the time.
Full information on visiting and guidance is available on the Northern Trust website at: