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  • Writer's pictureLove Ballymena

“Utterly reckless attack” - shots fired at home in North Antrim

Detectives are appealing for information following a report that a number of shots were fired at a house in the Causeway Road area of Bushmills shortly before 9.15pm on Saturday, September 24.

Detective Inspector MacCionaoith said:

"It was reported that four men came to the door of the property but refused to tell the occupants what they wanted before one of them fired through an upstairs window.

"Damage was also reported to have been caused to the front door of the house.

"A woman, aged in her seventies, and a man, aged in his thirties were both in the property at the time. Thankfully, neither of the occupants were physically injured but they were left shaken by what happened.

"This was an utterly reckless attack and those responsible showed no regard for the "lives of those in the house or anyone else in the area. It is fortunate that we are not dealing with serious injuries or fatalities today.

"The four men were described as wearing boiler suits and balaclavas. It was also reported that all four were holding baseball type bats. At this time, it is believed that they made off from the driveway of the property on foot.

"Our enquiries are ongoing and we would appeal to anyone who was in the area at the time and saw anything, or who may have dashcam, CCTV or other video footage, to contact police on 101 quoting reference 1855 of 24/9/22."

Alternatively, you can submit a report online using the non-emergency reporting form via

You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111 or online at

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