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  • Writer's pictureLove Ballymena

Stunning new housing scheme for Randalstown

We love this new housing scheme in #Randalstown being developed by Rural Housing Association NI.

A spokesperson for Rural Housing said:

“We are looking forward to work commencing on our brand new Randalstown scheme. The ‘Main House’ will front down the street and include two accommodation wings off the main block and undercroft parking. Watch this space!”

Rural Housing Association was established in 1992 to provide “A supply of readily available and affordable accommodation for rural people in rural areas with a view to helping maintain and regenerate rural communities”.

It is a core belief of the Association that the housing requirements of small rural communities are best identified, understood and solved through close co-operation with local community development groups.

To this end the Association works closely with all local communities in assessing needs and delivering appropriate housing solutions in what is, predominantly, a very specialised rural market.

The Association is mindful of the fact that its tenants are mostly either on very low incomes or dependent on benefits and that almost 50% of them will be affected by the incoming changes in welfare benefits. It is therefore keen to keep rental charges at affordable levels. Fuel poverty is a growing concern in NI and the Association has always worked to provide the most cost effective means of heating thus its officers continue to provide detailed advice to tenants on insulation and energy efficiency measures in their homes.

You can find more information about Rural Housing at:

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