Having celebrated 30 years of the event last year, the Shilnavogie Sheepdog Trial course is set once again, against the backdrop of Slemish Mountain, for the shepherds and shepherdesses ready to take to the post.
The trial is open strictly to amateur handlers, with competitors as young as twelve last year, alongside a few longer toothed opponents, the event welcomes competitors of all ages and stages.
As in previous years, the £5 entry fee will be in aid of charity, with all donations at the 2023 trial going towards Cancer Research UK.

A spokesperson for the event commented:
"It’s always great to see people bringing their dogs to take part and exercising their skills on the course.
"Last year saw a spectacular turnout of 36 dogs competing, with first place awarded to Jude O’Kane with Fly (Dungiven), and runner up Darren Johnston with Grit (Aughaboy).
"Come on up to the field and take your place at the post or join the spectators for an afternoon's entertainment."
The Shilnavogie Amateur Sheepdog Trial will be held on Saturday 9th September 2023, at 21 Shilnavogie Road, BT44 0BW, beginning at 12 noon sharp.
The trial is open to all amateur sheepdog enthusiasts. Don't worry about executing a polished run... it's a homely kind of affair!
For more information, visit the event Facebook page @shilnavogiesheepdogtrial or telephone 07484 678 403 or 028 2568 4251.