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  • Writer's pictureLove Ballymena

Road Policing Interceptors arrest disqualified driver and seize 1.2kg of Class B in Ballymena

Vehicle stopped in Ballymena by PSNI Road Policing Interceptors team

A driver was arrested on Friday evening, 22nd March, after being stopped by a Road Policing Interceptors team in the Antrim Road area of Ballymena.

Following checks the driver blue Volkswagen Golf was found to be disqualified from driving. Alerted by a strong smell of cannabis, officers searched the vehicle and discovered 1.2kg of the suspected Class B.

1.2kg of the suspected Class B found in vehicle.

1.2kg of the suspected Class B found in vehicle.

A PSNI spokesperson commented:

"Vehicle stopped [above] by officers from Road Policing Interceptors (Sprucefield) earlier this evening in the Ballymena area.

"On stopping the vehicle Police noticed a strong smell of cannabis coming from the vehicle and as a result of a search a large vacuum packed package weighing over 1.2kg was located.

"The driver who was also disqualified from driving was arrested on Suspicion of Possession of a Class B controlled drug with intent to supply and driving whilst disqualified."


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