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  • Writer's pictureLove Ballymena

Reid welcomes new community centre for Waveney

SDLP councillor Eugene Reid has welcomed the financial approval for a new community centre in Waveney.

Councillors gave the go-ahead for the new facility at a recent meeting of council’s Policy and Resources Committee.

Councillor Reid successfully secured approval for a changing room with shower to be added to the plans.

Councillor Reid said:

“The closure of the previous Waveney Community Centre has had an impact on this area, leaving local people without a place to meet or host local events.

“Addressing the lack of facilities in this area has one of my main priorities for some time and I believe this new centre will be a big boost to Waveney.

“I welcome’s council’s commitment to including a changing room with showers that can be used by local sports teams and others. This is an area with a proud sporting tradition and I have regularly engaged with teams who are left with nowhere to get ready before and after games, I hope my proposal will go some way to addressing this deficit.

“During the coronavirus pandemic we all learned how important it is to have a sense of community, to pull together when the chips are down and to celebrate successes and important events. I hope this new community centre will serve as a hub for life in this area and help bring people from right across the community together.”

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