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  • Writer's pictureLove Ballymena

Portrush RNLI launch to help sick fishing crew member off Scottish coast

Portrush RNLI were requested to launch this morning (Friday 22 July) by Belfast coastguard to reports of an unwell crew member on a 12-metre fishing vessel, west of Islay, off the Scottish coast.

Rescue 118, the Irish Coast Guard helicopter based in Sligo, was also tasked.

The call for assistance was received at 9.10am this morning and the lifeboat crew were on scene, along with Rescue 118 by 10.35am, with fair conditions and good visibility.

After the situation was assessed, the casualty was transferred by lifeboat crew, from the fishing vessel onto Portrush RNLI’s all weather lifeboat. Once safely aboard, the casualty was then winched from the deck of the lifeboat to the rescue helicopter, were he was then flown on to hospital for further medical attention.

Commenting on the callout Portrush RNLI Lifeboat Operations Manager Beni McAllister said:

“I’m very grateful to our lifeboat crew who responded to this callout, for their fast response and in getting a sick person off a vessel at sea, with great skill and care. We train for these types of callouts with our colleagues in the Coast Guard. All of us at Portrush RNLI hope the casualty makes a full recovery.”

Crew today Johnny Weston Cox: Dave Robinson Mechanic; Roo McCrudden: Raymond Fletcher : Ishy McIntyre.

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