A planning application has been submitted to Mid and East Antrim Borough Council for a new social housing scheme outside Ballymena.
Rural Housing Association is seeking permission for a proposed development at Coronation Crescent, in Clough, for four two-bedroomed houses and two three-bedroomed houses.
Eighteen car parking spaces are also proposed at the site which is currently an agricultural field.
Rural Housing Association works throughout Northern Ireland providing properties located across council areas with the exception of Belfast. The average scheme size is up to seven dwellings.
A presentation by the Housing Executive to Mid and East Antrim Borough Council, last September, reported that 60 social housing homes were completed across the Mid and East Antrim Council area during 2022/23.
The Housing Executive has predicted that 856 new social housing properties will be needed in Mid and East Antrim by 2027. The report also noted a need for more accessible housing and at least 47 wheelchair accessible properties.
Meanwhile. Mid and East Antrim Borough Council has launched a “call for sites” to identify land available for potential new housing development in the area.
Landowners and developers are being asked to suggest “available and sustainable sites” which may be considered as part of the council’s Local Policies Plan.