CGI showing new building on site on Galgorm Road, Ballymena
A planning application has been lodged with Mid and East Antrim Borough Council for new social housing at Galgorm Road, Ballymena.
The proposal is for the development of four residential units, the demolition of an outbuilding and car parking on a site neighbouring Ballymena PSNI Station.
The application has been submitted by an agent on behalf of CRH Properties Ltd, Kilrea.

Existing view of site beside Ballymena Police Station on Galgorm Road

CGI of proposed apartments elevations facing onto Galgorm Road, Ballymena
A design and access statement provided with the application says:
“The planning submission seeks approval to redevelop a brown field site at 44 Galgorm Road through the demolition of an existing storey-and-a-half barn and associated outbuildings.
“This will facilitate the provision of parking and amenity spaces, enabling the construction of four apartments designed to align with current social housing demands.
“The site is triangular-shaped and currently comprises one three-storey end terrace property. Vehicular access is via a private access lane that runs from Galgorm Road to the rear of the terrace.
“The proposal respects the character, scale, and density of the surrounding built environment. The scheme integrates harmoniously with the existing urban fabric, maintaining the character of Galgorm Road while contributing to its enhancement.”

The statement continues:
“The development provides smaller residential units suitable for individuals, couples and small households, responding to the local demand for this housing type.
“The design includes provisions for inclusivity, making the units suitable for residents with varying needs. The design allows for future adaptability to meet changing household needs.”
If approved, it is anticipated that the development will “contribute to the provision of high-quality, adaptable housing in Ballymena, meeting local housing needs while respecting the character of the area”.
Last March, the Housing Executive reported that 1,123 applicants required a home in the Ballymena town area.
A report presented to the Mid and East Antrim Borough Council by the Housing Executive indicated that 305 new-build social housing homes will be needed in the Ballymena town area between 2023 and 2028.