A pre-planning application notice was lodged this month with Mid and East Antrim Borough Council for a new housing development on vacant industrial lands in the south end of Ballymena.
The proposal for the residential development includes upwards of 50 new homes, associated access works, landscaping, provision of public open space, car parking and general site works. The application was accepted by council planning officers and makes ways for the developer to now lodge a full planning application to the local authority for final approval.
The proposed location on vacant industrial lands (north of 2-34 Montage Avenue, west of 25-51 Toome Road and 1-5 Riverside Terrace, south of Ballee Burn and east of the Railway Line) was previously used by the former Ballymena Construction Company.
Local property firm Lynn and Brewster brought the entire 12.5 acre site to market back in April 2021, saying: "The entire site is white land and may be suitable for the continuation of existing B3 General Industrial use, or potentially a range of alternative uses such as call centre provision, Storage & Distribution or mixed use, incorporating residential and employment generation including hotel, recreation, builders merchants or motor vehicle based uses (Subject to Statutory Consents)".
The lower part of the site at Queen Street was recently granted planning approval for a new 39,160sqft Home Bargains store and garden centre facility.
Meanwhile, another planning application has been lodged by Mr Joe McLaughlin (JFM Construction Ltd) for the erection of an apartment block to the rear of 2-10 Fenaghy Road, Galgorm.
The proposal includes four two-bedroom apartments within the complex and an associated amenity space.