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New 600-seater stand approved for Larne Football Club at Inver Park

A new 600-seater stand for Larne Football Club‘s Inver Park was approved at Mid and East Antrim’s Planning Committee meeting yesterday morning (Thursday 8 July).

The latest proposal provides an amendment to a previous application in 2019 which sought approval for a stand with a capacity for 1,000 spectators.

Thursday’s decision for approval for a replacement terrace on Inver Park’s ‘East End’ and will feature a new tiered seated area under a canopy, treatment room, amenity block, food outlet space and VIP Lounge with an extension to provide a small dining area.

Council’s Head of Planning Paul Duffy said:

“The proposed site forms part of the regeneration plans to upgrade the facilities at Inver Park in order meet current Irish Football League, and Union of European Football Assocation’s (UEFA) requirements, which will require spectator facilities to be mainly seated, instead of the traditional standing terraces.”

Recommendation for approval was proposed by Alliance councillor Robert Logan, and seconded by DUP councillor Alderman Paul Reid.

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