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  • Writer's pictureLove Ballymena

Mid & East Antrim approves request for Carrickfergus Royal British Legion centenary plaque

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council have given the go ahead to erect a granite plaque at the Carrickfergus cenotaph to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the formation of the Royal British Legion (RBL).

The Carrickfergus branch of the RBL last placed a commemorative plaque at the Carrickfergus War Memorial in June 1991 to mark the Royal British Legion’s 70th anniversary. Council also agreed to contact all RBL branches in the borough to plan something similar in each area.

Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Councillor, Peter Johnston said:

“The RBL is the largest Armed Forces charity, with 235,000 members, 110,000 volunteers and a network of partners and charities; helping us give support wherever and whenever it’s needed.

“They provide lifelong support to serving and ex-serving personnel and their families and leads commemoration to those who lost their lives during active service and in conflict.

“They do an excellent job and I am delighted to see this plaque installed in Carrickfergus.”

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