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  • Writer's pictureLove Ballymena

McDonald welcomes work on pathway in Cullybackey

TUV Alderman Stewart McDonald has welcomed work carried out on a pathway in Cullybackey and praised Department for Infrastructure (DfI) staff for cleaning up the area.

Alderman Stewart McDonald:

"I am pleased that the pathway leading to Queen’s Park, Cullybackey, has been cleaned up by DfI staff.

"For some time, it had been neglected and as a result become overgrown. In fact, it had got to the stage where I actually believe it was unsafe for pedestrians.

"However, it has now been cleaned up and has been left in a high standard. Often, we complain about public services, but I always believe that when work like this is carried out it should be recognised and the hard working staff commended. Yes, they are employed to do a job but whenever someone does it well they deserve to be recognised."

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