May is National Walking Month and for Catherine King, Macmillan Move More Coordinator in Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, it’s an important opportunity to remind people of the benefits of walking for emotional and physical wellbeing.

Catherine said:
“As Macmillan Move More Coordinator for Causeway Coast and Glens I support people living with cancer to get active and stay active. We know that physical activity is safe during and after most types of cancer treatment, and I encourage people to find an activity they enjoy, that fits in with their lifestyle, and will support their mobility, flexibility, and emotional wellbeing.”

As Covid restrictions continue to ease, Catherine’s Walking Groups have resumed and she was recently joined by the Mayor, Alderman Mark Fielding, in Portrush for a stroll across the beautiful Whiterocks Beach. Offering his support for the Move More initiative, the Mayor said: “I want to thank Catherine and her service users for welcoming me along to one of their recent walks which was a thoroughly enjoyable experience.
“For those living with cancer, these groups are hugely beneficial for physical and mental health, allowing participants to enjoy social interaction and the joy of our outdoor spaces. “The Move More scheme is making a positive difference and I was delighted to have this opportunity show my support and meet with some of those from the borough who are benefiting directly from its services.”

Catherine added: “Although the pandemic affected access to gyms and leisure centres for some time, many of us continued to have immediate access to walking. During lockdown, my Move More colleagues across our local councils and I have been encouraging participants to get their steps in every day, in a way that’s comfortable for them. “Now that restrictions are easing, some of our activities like our walking groups are starting to return. If people are interested in taking part, they can contact me directly for more information. Walking groups are a really positive way to stay motivated and to have a little social interaction within Covid-19 guidelines. People can stay in touch with us on our Facebook page @MoveMoreNI while our YouTube channel is also full of inspirational ideas and simple activities to encourage people to do a little every day.” Remember, whether it’s up and down your stairs at home, in the local park, or on roads close to home, walking is a great way to build stamina and make your heart healthier. You don’t need much – just a comfortable pair of shoes and the right clothes to keep you warm and dry if you are out and about, especially given our changeable weather at moment. To find out more about the Macmillan Move More programme in the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council area, call Catherine King on 07597 399765 or email:
movemore@causewaycoastandglens.gov.uk For support, information, or just a chat, call the Macmillan Support Line on 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week, 8am-8pm.