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“Distressing ordeal” - Man injured after reported robbery in Ballymena

PSNI Police Car

Police in Ballymena are appealing for information and witnesses following the report of a robbery at 6.50am on Monday July 24th.

Sergeant Johnston said:

"We received a report that a man had been walking on Dunclug Park when two men approached him and tried to grab his backpack.

"A struggle ensued and the victim suffered a laceration to his upper left arm which required hospital treatment."

"One of the suspects is described as around 5ft, black coloured hair, wearing dark coloured jacket and dark coloured trousers. The second man is described as wearing a green coloured coat and dark coloured trousers.

"Both are understood to have come from the direction of the Cushendall Road area before entering Dunclug Park path way.

"This is obviously been a distressing ordeal for the victim who had been making his way to the bus stop to be collected for work. Our investigation is underway and we are appealing to anyone who may have captured dashcam footage or noticed any suspicious behaviour to contact us on 101 quoting reference number 276 24/07/23."

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