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  • Writer's pictureMichelle Weir (Local Democracy Reporter)

Councillors in Mid & East Antrim approve pay rise

Mid and East Antrim councillors approved an allowance rise at this month’s meeting of the borough council at The Braid, in Ballymena, on Monday evening, 8th January.

Each will be paid a basic allowance of £17,030 in an increase from the current sum of £16,394 per annum. This will cover the period from April 1 2023 until March 31 2024.

Councillors are eligible for the payment set by the Department for Communities under the Local Government Finance Act (Northern Ireland) 2011 and the Local Government (Payments to Councillors) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2019.

In Mid and East Antrim, the mayor also receives £1,000 per month and the deputy, £650. Currently, the posts are held respectively by Coast Road Alliance Alderman Gerardine Mulvenna and TUV Ald Stewart McDonald, a Bannside representative, separate to special responsibility arrangements.

Chairs of the council’s Planning, Corporate, Resources, Policy and Governance, Audit and Scrutiny; Neighbourhoods and Communities, Personnel and Environment and Economy committees are paid £500 per month and vice-chairs, £300. Partnership panel representatives are paid £357 per meeting. Group party leaders are paid £40 each per month.

Local elected representatives in Northern Ireland can also claim travel expenses of 65 pence per mile, payable for cars with an engine of 1,199cc; 45 pence per mile by electric car and 24 pence per mile by motorcycle. These rates have not increased.

An allowance of £100 can be paid for an overnight stay; £11.50 for breakfast; £13.50 for lunch; £20.95 for an evening meal and £4.70 for tea. A dependants’ carers’ allowance of £10.42 per hour is available for standard care or £20.84 for specialist.

Mid and East Antrim’s allowance rise was proposed by Carrickfergus Castle DUP Ald Billy Ashe MBE and seconded by Independent Knockagh Cllr Bobby Hadden.


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