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Council scheme to thank Benone litter pickers relaunched

Dan Lavery from Sea Shed Coffee & Surf and Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council Environmental Resource Officer John McCarron

Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council has relaunched a popular initiative to encourage litter collections at Benone Beach.

Council has teamed up with Sea Shed Coffee & Surf to give beach litter collectors a free hot or cold drink as a way of saying thank you.

Beachgoers can pick up a litter picker and an empty bag from Sea Shed Coffee & Surf at the entrance to Benone Beach and return it full to collect their reward.

Sea Shed Coffee & Surf and Council hope the collaboration will help keep protect our environment and cut litter pollution as restrictions ease and visitors and locals alike enjoy our beautiful coast.

Council’s LiveSmart campaign aims to encourage residents, businesses and visitors to live more lightly on our planet by taking simple steps to protect our environment.

You can find out more information about this here:

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