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  • Writer's pictureLove Ballymena

Council pledges full support to all those affected by Caterpillar announcement

Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Councillor Peter Johnston

Mid and East Antrim Borough Council will provide its full support to all those impacted by this morning's announcement regarding restructuring at Caterpillar, which, it is feared, could result in 700 job losses.

Moves being considered by the firm would impact staff at Caterpillar’s Larne plant, and if implemented, the transition of Caterpillar’s operations would begin this year and be completed over the next 12 to 18 months.

Mayor of Mid and East Antrim, Councillor Peter Johnston, said: "This is devastating news for all those employed by Caterpillar, their families and our community.

"We are working closely with the firm and will be doing everything within our powers to help and support everybody affected by this announcement.

"Caterpillar is a major employer within our local economy, and is a giant of our manufacturing sector. The wider economic benefit it provides is hugely significant, including the supply chain.

“We will continue to work closely, through our Manufacturing Taskforce and our senior elected representatives, and we reiterate our full support for all those who face an anxious wait and uncertain future.

“This borough has a track record of continuing to fight, even when people think it’s over, and we have helped companies to remain open or seek alternatives, including most recently Wrightbus, the Kilroot and Ballylumford Power Stations, and the Michelin site.

“We will continue with this mindset in relation to these roles at Caterpillar."

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