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Condemnation after press photographer attacked in Belfast

There has been condemnation this evening for those who attacked well-known press photographer, Kevin Scott, in Belfast.

Kevin, who works for Belfast Telegraph, was taking photographs at Lanark Way in

west Belfast where a protest was taking place nearby. A short time later two masked men attacked him from behind and smashed his cameras hurling sectarian abuse and telling him to leave the area.

Kevin commented on social media: “So much for peaceful - I have just been jumped from behind by two males, masked on Cupar Way. One pulled me to the ground and smashed Belfast Telegraph cameras. As I fought this one off I was told to fu*k off back to your own area you fenian cu*t by the other. Police informed.”

First Minister Arlene Foster responded to the incident: “Disgraceful. @Kscott_94 trust you are ok and the bullies behind this are brought to justice.”

We stand with Kevin Scott and all journalists in Northern Ireland forced to work in a climate of fear.' - Patrick Corrigan

Amnesty International has condemned an assault this evening by masked men or Belfast Telegraph ptwtographer Kevin Scott, whn was reporting on a protest at Belfast's Lanark Way.

Patrick Corrigan, Amnesty International’s Northern Ireland Programme Director, said:

“Amnesty International condemns this despicable assault or a journalist in Northern Ireland. This assault is the latest attempt to intimidate journalists from doing their jobs and constitutes an outrageous attack on freedom of the press.

“We stand with Kevin Scott and all journalists in Northern Ireland forced to work in a climate of fear.

“For some considerable time Amnesty has been warning of the escalation of chilling threats against journalists.

“Once again, we are calling on the police to hold the perpetrators to account and to uphold press freedom, which is a cornerstone of any democratic society, but is under serious and sustained threat in Northern Ireland.”

The situation in Belfast on Wednesday evening (7 April) as deteriorated as disorder has broken out from both communities, with the police in the middle.

On the Shankill Road protestors have hijacked a bus and set it on fire.

Picture: Reece Harrison
Picture: Reece Harrison

Kevin has now returned to continue doing his job this evening.

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