Carniny Primary School, Ballymena, is delighted to have received an Investor in Mental Health Award - testament to the hard work of the principal and staff team to provide a caring and nurturing environment for the children who attend.
The Investors in Mental Health Award is an initiative developed by AWARE NI – the depression charity for Northern Ireland. The aim is to provide recognition to individuals, schools or organisations who are making a significant contribution to the promotion of positive mental health.
Carniny Primary School worked closely with AWARE to participate in the Express Yourself mental health poetry competition for schools, provide mindfulness courses for their pupils, and train teachers to deliver mental health courses to the pupils, showcasing their ongoing commitment to promoting positive mental health and wellbeing within the school.
The Investor in Mental Health Award is the latest award for the school who is widely recognised for its dedication to providing quality education while understanding and meeting the pastoral needs of its pupils.
A recent inspection report from the Department of Education, stated:
"In the areas inspected, the quality of education provided by this school is very good. The school is meeting very effectively the educational and pastoral needs of the children and has demonstrated its capacity for sustained self-improvement.
"The quality of the arrangements for pastoral care is outstanding. This is evident through: the caring and friendly ethos within the school; the excellent behaviour of the children; the regular celebration of the children’s successes which builds their self-esteem; and the wide range of extra-curricular opportunities which enhance the children’s learning and social development".
Commenting on receiving the award, Principal Victoria Wylie, commented:
"Here at Carniny PS, we believe that good mental health will help children develop the resilience to cope with whatever life might throw at them.
"Ultimately, we want our children to feel happy and positive about themselves. We achieve this by delivering regular well-being sessions in all classes.
"Thank you to all the staff for promoting positive mental health within our school."