Sky Original Drama, The Lovers, starring Johnny Flynn (Beast, Emma) and Roisin Gallagher (The Fall, The Dry), has arrived on Sky Atlantic and is available to watch on demand now.
The Lovers follows Janet (Roisin Gallagher), a bad-tempered, hilarious, Belfast supermarket worker who doesn't care much about anything much at all, including her life, and Seamus (Johnny Flynn) a handsome, self-centred, political broadcaster with what looks to be a perfect London life and a celebrity girlfriend.
So when Seamus unexpectedly drops into Janet’s world (literally over the wall and into her backyard) they instantly clash – and yet also find themselves inextricably drawn to each other…
Set in Belfast, this is a sexy, funny, fight-y love story about two people who appear to be utterly wrong for each other – yet may just be utterly right.
Conleth Hill (Game of Thrones, The Power of Parker) also features in the series as Janet’s supermarket boss, Philip, and Alice Eve (Star Trek Into Darkness, She’s Out of My League) plays Frankie, Seamus’ girlfriend.
The Lovers was produced by Drama Republic for Sky Studios. This 6 part series was written and created by award winning playwright David Ireland (Cyprus Avenue, Ulster American) and directed by BAFTA winning Justin Martin (Together, Prima Facie),
The series was commissioned by Sky Studios for Sky Atlantic. Roanna Benn and Rebecca de Souza are executive producers for Drama Republic, with commissioning editors Liz Lewin and Manpreet Dosanjh as executive producers for Sky Studios. Hannah Pescod also serves as executive producer, with Chris Martin as producer. NBCUniversal Global Distribution handles international sales on behalf of Sky Studios.