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£1.3m additional funding for Northern Ireland hospices

Health Minister Robin Swann has announced an additional £1.3m for hospices in Northern Ireland. The funding, which is non-recurrent, is in recognition of the impact of Covid-19 on the services delivered by the four hospices. Health Minister Robin Swann said:

“I am delighted to announce this additional funding in recognition of the response of hospices to the significant pressures brought about by Covid-19. The organisations have continued to provide a range of vital services during the pandemic to support those with palliative and end of life care needs.

“Hospices have not faltered and have adapted swiftly to new ways of working. They have continued to offer help and support to those that need it and I commend the staff and volunteers for their dedication and commitment.”

The additional £1.3m funding follows additional funding of £1.75 million provided in January by the Department of Health for hospices in Northern Ireland.


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