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Weekly update on Covid-19 in Northern Ireland – Friday 29 July 2022

Welcome to the new weekly update, providing the latest statistics for Covid infections in Northern Ireland.

Latest figures published on Friday (29 July) by NISRA show that 19 deaths involving Covid-19 occurred in Week 29 ending 22 July 2022. The total number of Covid-19 related deaths that occurred up to 22 July 2022 has now reached 4,761. Of these, 3,321 (69.8%) took place in hospital, 995 (20.9%) in care homes and 445 (9.3%) at residential addresses, hospices or other locations.

Below: Weekly positive cases from tests conducted.

Below: Weekly positive cases per 100,000 population for Local Government Districts across Northern Ireland.

Below: Confirmed COVID-19 care home outbreaks in Northern Ireland, 2020-22.

There were 11 new outbreaks reported in week 29; a decrease in the number of new outbreaks compared to the previous week.

Below: Weekly number of unique episodes of COVID-19, 2022.

The number of new episodes decreased in week 29, at 3374 from 4963 in week 28.

Weekly number of unique episodes of COVID-19, 2022 by age range.

All ages have had a decrease in cases.

Below: Estimates of the percentage of people in NI testing who would have tested positive for COVID-19.

In the study week ending 20 July 2022, the estimated number of people testing positive for COVID-19 was 113400 (95% credible interval: 86600 to 143900). This can be seen in (Figure 2.6). This equates to 6.18% of the population or around 1 in 16 people. This has increased from 1 in 20 people the previous week. This can be seen in (Figure 2.6).

Below: Episode rate per 100,000 population by Local Government District (LGD), for week 29 2022.

All local government districts have had a decrease in cases.

The next weekly update will be published on Friday 5 August 2022.

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