Detectives investigating an incident during which a man was assaulted and robbed whilst walking in the Seacash Drive area of Antrim in the early hours of Monday, 18th March, have charged two men aged 24 and 29 to appear at Ballymena Magistrates’ Court on Thursday 21st March.
The 26-year-old was walking in an alleyway adjacent to Seacash Drive at around 3:50am when he was approached by two men.
The pair attacked the victim, punching and kicking him, and stole his phone and bank card, attempting to use the latter to withdraw cash from a nearby ATM.
The victim was able to make off from his attackers and contact police.
Police have charged the two men with robbery, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, threats to kill and kidnapping.
As is normal procedure all charges are reviewed by the Public Prosecution Service.