Plans for improvements to the village green in Cushendun have been approved by Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council.
Proposed environmental improvements include planting, new paths and benches, a small paved area and a dedicated area for a Christmas tree.
The village green is at the corner of the main road through the village, with a path to the road.
According to the Design and Access Statement, the new paths “will create a more accessible link from the beach to the main street”.
It adds: “The proposal takes account of the historic environment of Cushendun. There will be no demolition or alteration to any listed structures and existing trees will be retained.
Plans showing proposed upgrades at Cushendun village green, with key below.
“Intervention has been kept to the minimum necessary to provide safer access and a usable space for the local community. This approach allows for the maximum retention of existing fabric as there will be no loss of material of cultural heritage value.”
In addition, the proposed work is reversible if necessary “as it would be possible to restore these areas to their original condition”.
The statement continues: “The proposal will not detract from legibility and overall seeks to ensure the sustainability of the village by providing a safe and useable community space in a way which respects heritage assets.”
The council’s conservation section said amendments to the original proposal, which involved simplifying planting and paths, mean the main element will be the “grassed open space, reflective of the original historic plan and form”.
The Development Management Officer Report concludes: “The proposed environmental scheme maintains the open central green of the space and is appropriate to this conservation area setting and would not impact the setting of the adjacent listed buildings.”